بالتأكيد تسبب النيماتودا في كل اطوارها و بكل انوعها مثل (نيماتودا تعقد الجذور – نيماتودا الموالح – نيماتودا التقزم)  خسائر كبيرة جدا للمزارعين , وتتشكل الخسارة في : ذبول النبات , قلة الاثمار و في بعض الأحيان تتسب النيماتودا في قتل النبات. تتعد حلول القضاء علي النيماتودا ولكن اليكم الحل السريع والفعال في القضاء علي
The most important strawberry fruits are the following: 1- Gray mold: Causing: Causes of fungus Symptoms of infection: > Widespread disease – causes a significant crop shortage. > The fungus disappears during the winter in parts of the plant and large leaves, and when the spring and high temperature of the atmosphere and increase humidity
The name of the snail is called most of the members of the range of molluscs of the foot, which take the shells or snails to protect her body. Snails are present in fresh water, oceans and land the movement The snail moves through its “foot”, which contracts and spreads, and produces a mucus that
Mango trees are affected when they are irrigated with high salinity water (higher than 1200 ppm), leading to symptoms of trees Symptoms vary depending on salinity concentration in irrigation water. If the concentrations are simple, the symptoms are minor (due to the toxicity of chloride) and are burning the top of the leaves and wrapping
Precise whiteness Is a fungal disease that is considered one of the most serious diseases affecting many crops such as wheat, barley, grapes and crops The cucumber species such as cucumbers and zucchini and different crops are infected with different strains of fungus It is easy to distinguish this disease from its obvious viscous viscous
The green olive leaf worm, also called the jasmine butterfly, is considered a serious pest of olives, and its larvae feed on olive leaves, flowers, and on buds and fruits. The length of the butterfly is 11 – 16 mm; its width is about 20 – 30 mm, and the color of its body and
:Morphological Description  The full insect is a true fly that takes the body color to a general dark color (black / brown) except the legs and horns of the sensor And the veins of the wings take the light color (yellow / light brown) :life cycle  The female bites the eggs individually under the skin

Sizing in fruits

Contract of fruits Is the process of turning the flower into a fruit After the fertilization and fertilization begins a new stage is the stage of the fruit and inside the seed or seed at the beginning of that stage occurs withering of the petals and falling and then falling pens, including carrying Mayas drought
Insecting pores Are insects that feed on the absorption of plant juices, whether on leaves or stems or flowers or fruits, which causes wrinkling and yellowing and weak plants may be transmitted to viral diseases or the occurrence of secretions cause the contamination of leaves and fruits in the so-called symphonic honey or the presence
تThrips are fed to a wide variety of sources, both plant and animal, through their hole and absorption of their contents. A large number of insect species are considered harmful insects, since they feed on commercially valuable plants. Some types of thrips feed on other insects or lichens and are considered parasitic, while others feed
Boron Is a chemical element with a letter B and an atomic number 5 Boron is included in the elements of the second cycle and at the head of the thirteenth group in the periodic table as a main group element Because its group is called the Boron Group, the element of boron in its

Salinity of agricultural soil

Soil salinity is the high level of salt in the soil Causes of salinity: – Accumulation of excess salts from irrigation water. 2 – the climate trend that allows the accumulation of salt in the soil. 3 – human suspension such as: (A) Deforestation or non-planting because trees absorb soil salts to process photosynthesis.