Diseases of the fruit and treatment of the products of the Spanish company

The most important strawberry fruits are the following:

1- Gray mold:

Causing: Causes of fungus

Symptoms of infection:

> Widespread disease – causes a significant crop shortage.

> The fungus disappears during the winter in parts of the plant and large leaves, and when the spring and high temperature of the atmosphere and increase humidity and the mushroom produced many of the bacteria that spread by:

Rain – Wind – Tools – Mechanical machines to new areas

When the weather conditions are favorable, the fungus produces soft, gray blocks of germs on infected tissues during the growth season.

> Gray mold affects:

Flower – pregnant Zahry – green fruits – mature fruits. > Infection usually begins with flowers

The disease can kill the flower holder completely and the infection may extend until the cup and there remains the fungus and attacks the fruit causing the rot. > The gray mold usually does not appear on the mature fruit until after one or two days of collecting it until it becomes light brown and becomes light brown. In this case, the fungus may spread directly from the infected fruit to the healthy fruit, or it may be spread by the volatile bacteria or adhered to flowers and fruits. .

> It should also be noted that moisture and shade help to increase the spread of the disease

> Any factor that helps the softness of the fruit, it increases the risk of decomposition such as increasing nitrogen fertilization and irrigation water … etc.

> One of the most noticeable features that can be observed on the affected fruit in general is the drying of the fruit from the outside and that the affected parts of the color changes to the structures first and then covered with blocks of gray mold.


Skin mold

Cause: Mushroom



The outer skin of the fruit is rotted and its inner color changes. Its strength solidifies with slight softness of the pulp. The color of the affected areas changes in the fruit that is not fully mature to the light brown. But in the case of mature fruits occurs a slight change in color and the disease accompanied by the emergence of the color of internal structure of the internal tissues of the fruit – pulp taste bitter in the stages of severe infection covered fruits infected with white rotten

It is known that the wet atmosphere helps to grow mushrooms especially in the rain and followed by a rise in temperature, and it should be noted that the mushroom can penetrate the fruits when the conditions suitable for germination.

3 – Rhizopus rot

Causative: Rhizopus stolonifer

It affects the fruits in general during transport and circulation and called the disease Leak disease, and to exit the juice of vinegar in the fruit in the packagings when infected with this mushroom. It is more dangerous than any other rot because it destroys fruits very quickly

It should be noted that most of the fungus infection of this fungus occurs in the field and places of packing, and can also appear on the fruit color light brown and may be covered with white – and the fruits become soft water and fermented – and the incidence of infected fruit or cracked as a result of any insect or mechanical injuries.

Mushrooms can be spread by direct contact and fungus growth begins at a temperature higher than 10 m and reaches a maximum activity of 30 m.

4- Rotten end of fruit neck:

Gnomonia mushrooms cause fructicola


> Fruits are colored brown and solid at the end of the fruit cup and these are the most important symptoms of this disease.

> The infection of the cup first, and spread the mushroom and reach the fruit at the beginning of maturity causing the decapitation. The infected cup may remain on mature fruit without symptoms.

> It should be noted that this fungus is the cause of leaf staining disease.

5- Black seed disease: Black seed disease

The causative causes mycosphaerella fragariae fungus

> It is a problem if planting a sensitive category and the existing varieties that are grown in Egypt (resistance).

> Its symptoms are the appearance of black seed or black seeds on the fruit formed, which leads to deformation.

  1. Anthracnose fruit rot

Causative: Anthracnose mushroom Colletotrichum sp


> Circular spots are formed on the fruits and are deep and dry – with black edges

Or light brown to black.

> Bacteria that often resemble salmon or orange color can be observed on the formed spots.

> A spot or two or more spots may be attached to the affected fruit in the case of severe infection.

7 – the disease of white flour on the fruits: Powdery mildew fruit rot

Causative: Sphaerotheca maculari


> This disease causes a significant decrease in vegetable growth of plants and thus the quantity and quality of the crop.

> Mushrooms attack the leaves, fruits and necks of flowers.

> In sensitive varieties (Israeli varieties such as Sharon – Yael –

Afira), which were previously cultivated were severely damaged.

> Where the fruits were covered with white mushroom, which gives the fruit color gray.

> The most serious stages of this disease is the injury of green fruits as these fruits do not mature in a natural way, which increases loss

Treatment The use of a B.S product from the Spanish company is a 100% natural product and has no period of prohibition at all